Friday, May 7, 2010


According to the gospels, it was customary for the Romans to release a Jewish prisoner during the Passover festival. The Roman governor Pontius Pilate tried to use this custom as an excuse to release Jesus. But a crowd in the courtyard demanded that a prisoner named Barabbas be freed instead, and Pilate eventually gave in to the pressure. Thus Barabbas was released, and Jesus was crucified.

In books and movies, Barabbas is usually depicted as an evil criminal. But he may have actually been a freedom fighter in the Jewish resistance to the Romans. Evidence for this can be found at Mark 15:7, which says that he was in prison because he had taken part in a recent uprising. In fact, some biblical scholars think that he was an important rebel leader. If so, this would explain why the crowd shouted for his release, because any leader in the fight against the hated Romans would be very popular with the common people.

But Jesus was also very popular with the common people. When he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he was greeted by large excited crowds. Many people believed that he was the long-awaited Messiah, who with God's help would overthrow all oppressive rulers and establish a new eternal Kingdom of God.

But if Jesus and Barabbas were both very popular, why did the crowd call for Jesus to be crucified and Barabbas to be released? The likely explanation is that the crowd was dominated by employees of the Jewish religious authorities. Their servants and henchmen would have been in the courtyard, and probably composed a significant part of the gathering there. Also, because Jesus was arrested late at night and brought before Pilate early the next morning, most of his followers probably didn't know where he was, or what was happening to him. And his closest followers had apparently gone into hiding out of fear of arrest.

Thus the Jewish leaders could have told their servants and henchmen to shout for Barabbas to be released, and the rest of the crowd could have then joined in. This explanation is supported by Mark 15:11, which says that the "chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead." But why did the Jewish leaders want Jesus to die instead of Barabbas? The answer is that many of the common people believed that Jesus was the Messiah, and this made him a threat to their authority.

The Mystery of Barabbas

The so-called "mystery of Barabbas" refers to some puzzling similarities between the released prisoner and Jesus himself. The most striking similarity concerns their names. Some ancient Syriac copies of Matthew, and a few other ancient sources, call the freed prisoner "Jesus bar Abbas". The name Barabbas can be obtained from this by dropping the name "Jesus" and changing "bar Abbas" to "Barabbas". Furthermore, the phrase "bar Abbas" can be translated as "son of the Father", which could possibly be applied to Jesus himself, since he sometimes used the word "Abba" (father) in referring to God.

From this evidence, many scholars have concluded that Barabbas' original name was "Jesus bar Abbas". Other evidence indicates that this name was intentionally altered by later Christian writers. One well-documented case involves the scholar Origen, who reportedly promoted the change for reverential reasons, because he didn't want the name "Jesus" to be associated with a criminal.

Another similarity between the two men relates to their possible roles as rebel leaders. The gospel of Mark says that Barabbas had been imprisoned for taking part in a revolt, and his popularity with the crowd suggests that he had been one of its leaders. But from the viewpoint of the Romans, Jesus could have also appeared to be a rebel leader. Many people were calling him the Messiah, a title which implied that he would overthrow the existing government. He had a large number of followers, many of whom might be easily swayed into taking part in a revolt. In fact, his earlier attack on the temple merchants could be regarded as a "mini-revolt".

Thus, both men may have had the same name, and both of them could have appeared to be rebel leaders, at least from the Romans' viewpoint. These similarities are known as the "mystery of Barabbas". Some people think that the similarities are too close to be accidental and have looked for another way to explain them. According to one radical theory, in the original story Jesus himself was the imprisoned rebel leader, and Barabbas is an invented "fictional duplicate" inserted into the story to play that role instead. The motive for such a change would be to cover up the fact that Jesus had tried to organize a revolt against the Romans and was crucified as a result.

But this theory is mostly speculation, and its supporters have to resort to questionable arguments to explain the details. For these reasons, most scholars are unconvinced. In fact, Jesus was a common name in ancient Palestine, and uprisings against the Romans took place quite frequently. Therefore it shouldn't be surprising that a rebel leader with the same name as Jesus would happen to be in Roman custody on the day of the crucifixion.

Note: The gospels don't say what Barabbas did after he was released. But other ancient sources do preserve some traditions about him. According to one tradition, on the day he was released he went to Golgotha and watched Jesus die on the cross. Some sources also say that he was later killed while taking part in another revolt against the Romans.


Names and Titles of Christ

Adam (the last) - I Corinthians 15:45

Advocate - I John 2:1

Almighty (the) - Revelation 1:8

Alpha and Omega - Revelation 1:8,11; 21:6

Amen - Revelation 3:14

Ancient of Days - Daniel 7:22

Angel of the Lord – Exodus 3:2, 23:20,21; Judges 13:15-18; Zechariah 1:11, 12

Angel of the Presence of the Lord – Isaiah 63:9

Anointed of God – Psalm 2:2; Acts 4:26

Apostle of Our Profession – Hebrews 3:1

Author and Finisher of Faith – Hebrews 12:2

Author of Eternal Salvation – Hebrews 5:9

Beginning and the Ending – Revelation 1:8; 22:13

Beginning of the Creation of God – Revelation 3:14

Beloved of God – Ephesians 1:6

Beloved Son of God – Matthew 3:17; 17:5; Mark 1:11; 9:7; Luke 3:22; 9:35; Colossians 1:13; II Peter 1:17

Bishop of Souls – I Peter 2:25 (See Shepherd)

Blessed and only Potentate – I Timothy 6:15

Branch – Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 3:8; 6:12

Branch of Righteousness – Jeremiah 33:15

Bread (living) from Heaven – John 6:32-35,50, 51

Bread of Life – John 6: 35, 48

Brightness of the Glory of God – Hebrews 1:3

Brother of His Disciples – Matthew 12:50; 25:40; Mark 3:35; Hebrews 12:11, 17

Captain of Salvation – Hebrews 2:10

Captain of the Lord’s Host – Joshua 5:14,15

Chief Corner Stone – Psalm 118:22; Isaiah 28:16; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; I Peter 2:6,7

Chief Shepherd – I Peter 5:4

Child (little) – Luke 2:12, 16 27, 40; Matthew 2:11, 13, 20

Child Jesus – Luke 2: 27,43

Christ – Matthew 1:16; 16:16, 20; 26:63; Mark 8:29; 14:61; Luke 2;11; John 6:69; 10:24, 25; 11:27; 20:31; Acts 2:36; I John 5:1

Christ of God – Luke 9:20

Christ of the Lord – Luke 2:26

Consolation of Israel – Luke 2:25

Counsellor – Isaiah 9:6

Covenant of the People – Isaiah 42:6

Covert from the Tempest – Isaiah 32:2

Creator of Israel – Isaiah 43:15

David – Jeremiah 30:9; Ezekiel 34:23; 37:24, 25; Hosea 3:5

Dayspring from on high – Luke 1:78

Deliverer – Romans 11:26(cp. Isaiah 19:20)

Desire of all Nations – Haggai 2:7

Despised and Rejected of Men – Psalm 22:6; Isaiah 53:3

Door – John 10:7,9

Elect and Chosen of God – Isaiah 42:1; Matthew 12:18; Luke 23:35

Emmanuel – Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23

Ensign of the People – Isaiah 11:10

Eternal Life – I John 5:20

Everlasting Father – Isaiah 9:6

Faithful and True – Revelation 19:11

Fellow of the Lord of Hosts – Zechariah 13:7

Finisher of Faith – Hebrews 12:2

First and Last – Isaiah 44:6; Revelation 1;11, 17; 2:8; 22:13

Firstborn among many brethren – Romans 8:29

Firstborn (or First-begotten) of the dead – Colossians 1:18; Revelation 1:5

Firstborn of every creature – Colossians 1:15; Hebrews 1:6

Firstfruits of them that slept – I Corinthians 15:20,23

Forerunner – Hebrews 6:20

Foundation Stone – Isaiah 28:16; I Corinthians 3:11; Ephesians 2:20

Fountain for sin – Zechariah 13:1

Friend of Sinners – Matthew 11:10

Friend of those who do His will – John 15:13-15

Gift (Unspeakable) of God – John 4:10; II Corinthians 9:15

Glory of Israel – Luke 2:32

God – Psalm 45:6,7 and Hebrews 1;8,9; Isaiah 35:4; 40:9; John 1:1; 20:28; I Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:1; I John 5:20

God blessed forever – Romans 9:5

God of the whole earth – Isaiah 54:5

Governor – Matthew 2:6 (See Micah 5:2)

Head of all Principality and Power – Colossians 2:10

Head of every man – I Corinthians 11:3

Head of the Church – Ephesians 1:22; 5:23; Colossians 1:18

Heir of all things – Hebrews 1:2

High priest forever after the order of Melchisedec – Psalm 110:4 and Hebrews 6:20; 7:17, 21

High priest of our Profession – Hebrews 3:1; 4:14; 6:20; 7:26

Holy Child Jesus – Acts 4:27, 30

Holy One – Acts 3:14; Revelation 3:7

Holy One of God – Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34; Acts 2:27; 13:35 and Psalm 16:10

Holy One of Israel – Isaiah 41:14; 43:3, 14; 47:4; 54:5

Hope of Israel – Acts 28:20; I Timothy 1:1

Horn of Salvation – Luke 1:69

Husband and Bridegroom – Isaiah 54:5; Matthew 9:15; John 3:29; II Corinthians 11:2

I AM – John 8:58 (cp. Verses 24 and 28, also Exodus 3:14)

Image of God – II Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:15

Image (Express) of the Person of God – Hebrews 1:3

Jesus – Matthew 1:21, 25; Luke 1:31; 2:21;Acts 9:5; 13:23; 22:8; 26:15; I Thessalonians 1:10

Judge (Righteous) – II Timothy 4:8

Judge of quick and dead – Acts 10:42; II Timothy 4:1

Just One – Acts 3:14; 7:52

King of Glory – Psalm 24:7-10

King of Israel – Isaiah 44:6; Ezekiel 37:21,24; John 1:49

King of kings – I Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16

King of saints (marg. ‘nations’ or ‘ages’) - Revelation 15:3

King of the Jews – Matthew 2:2; 27:37; Mark 15:26; Luke 23:38; John 18:39; 19:19

King of Zion – Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:5; John 12;15

Lamb – I Peter 1:19; Revelation 5:6,12; 7:10; 13:8; 14:1,4; 17:14; 21:22,

Lamb of God – John 1:29,36

Lawgiver - Joshua 4:12 (cp. Hebrews 3:5,6)

Leader and Commander – Isaiah 55:4

Life – John 11:25; 14:6; Colossians 3:4; I John 1:2

Life (Eternal) – I John 1:2; 5:20

Light – John 1:8,9; 12:35,36

Light (True) – John 1:9

Light of men – John 1:4

Light of the Gentiles (or nations) – Isaiah 42:6; 49:6; 60:3; Luke 2:32

Light of the world – John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46

Lion of Juda – Revelation 5:5

Lord – Luke 2:11; John 13:14; 20:28; Acts 2:36; Romans 1:3; I Corinthians 8:6; 12:3; Philippians 2:11

Lord from heaven – I Corinthians 15:47

Lord God Almighty – Revelation 15:3

Lord Jesus – Acts 7:59; 8:16; 19:17;21:13; I Corinthians 11:23; I Thessalonians 2:15; Hebrews 13:20; Revelation 22:20

Lord Jesus Christ – Acts 15:11; 16:31; Romans 5:1; I Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 1:3; Philippians 3:20; I Thessalonians 3:13; I Peter 1:3

Lord of all – Acts 10:36; Romans 10:12

Lord of Glory – I Corinthians 2:8

Lord of Hosts – Isaiah 47:4; 54:5

Lord of lords – I Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16

Lord of the dead and living – Romans 14:9

Lord of the Sabbath – Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5

Lord our Righteousness – Jeremiah 23:6

Man – I Timothy 2:5

Man(Second) – I Corinthians 15:47

Man approved (or ordained) of God – Acts 2:22; 17:31

Man of Sorrows – Isaiah 53:3

Man of the right hand of God – Psalm 80:17

Master – Matthew 8:19; 23:8, 10; John 13:13, 14

Mediator – I Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 8:6; 9:15; 12:24

Messenger of the Covenant – Malachi 3:1

Messiah – Daniel 9:25, 26; John 1:41; 4:25

Michael – Daniel 10:21; 12:1

Mighty God – Isaiah 9:6

Minister of the circumcision – Romans 15:8

Minister of the Sanctuary – Hebrews 8:2

Morning Star – Revelation 22:16

Most Holy – Daniel 9:24

Nazarene (or Jesus of Nazareth) – Matthew 2:23; Mark 1:24; Acts 2:22; 10:38

Only begotten of the Father – John 1:14; 3:16,18; I John 4:9

Passover – I Corinthians 5:7

Peace – Ephesians 2:14

Place (hiding) from the wind – Isaiah 32:2

Plant of Renown – Ezekiel 34:29

Power and Wisdom of God – I Corinthians 1:24

Precious Corner Stone – Isaiah 28:16; I Peter 2:7

Prince – Daniel 9:25

Prince and Saviour – Acts 5:31

Prince of Israel – Ezekiel 34:24; 37:25 (cp. Micah 5:1)

Prince of Life – Acts 3:15

Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6

Prince of the kings of the earth – Revelation 1:5

Prophet – Deuteronomy 18:15 and Acts 3:22 and 7:37; Luke 24:19; John 7:40

Propitiation for our sins – I John 2:2; 4:10

Redeemer – Job 19:25; Isaiah 47:4; 54:5; 59:20; 60:16

Resurrection and Life - John 11:25

Rock (the Spiritual) – I Corinthians 10:4

Rock of offence – I Peter 2:8

Root and Offspring of David – Revelation 5:5; 22:16

Root of Jesse – Isaiah 11;10; Romans 15:12

Ruler – Micah 5:2 (See Matthew 2:6)

Salvation of God – Luke 2:30

Saviour – Isaiah 43:3; Luke 2:11; John 4:42; Acts 5:31; 13:23; Ephesians 5:23; Philippians 3:20; II Timothy 1:10; Titus 1:4; 2:13; 3:6; II Peter 1:1,11; 2:20; 3:18; I John 4:14

Seed of Abraham – Galatians 3:16

Seed of the woman – Genesis 3:15

Servant (Righteousness) – Isaiah 53:11

Servant of the Lord – Isaiah 42:1; 52:13; Ezekiel 34:24; Zechariah 3:8; Matthew 12:18

Shepherd – Isaiah 40:11; Zechariah 13:7

Shepherd (Chief) – I Peter 5:4

Shepherd (Good) – John 10:11, 14

Shepherd (Great) of the Sheep – Hebrews 13:20

Shepherd and Bishop of souls – I Peter 2:25

Shiloh – Genesis 49:10 (cp. Numbers 24:17)

Son of David – Matthew 1:1; 9:27; 15:22; 20:30; 21:9; Mark 10:47; Luke 18:38; 20:41

Son of God – Psalm 2:7 and Hebrews 1:5;Matthew 8:29; 16:16; 26:63; Mark 3:11; Luke 1:35; John 1:49; 6:69; 10:36; 11:27; Acts 8:37; Romans 1:4; I Corinthians 1:9; Galatians 4:4; I John 5:5

Son of Man – Psalm 80:17; Daniel 7:13; Matthew 8:20; 9:6; 16:13; Mark 8:38; 9:12,31; Luke 19:10; John 5:27; Acts 7:56

Son of the Blessed – Mark 14:61

Son of the Highest – Luke 1:32

Star of Jacob – Numbers 24:17

Stone (Living),Chosen and Precious – I Peter 2:4-6 and Isaiah 28:16

Stone (Tried) – Isaiah 28:16

Stone of Stumbling – Isaiah 8:14; Romans 9:33; I Peter 2:8

Stone which the builders rejected – Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42; I Peter 2:7

Sun of Righteousness – Malachi 4:2

Surety – Hebrews 7:22

Teacher from God – John 3:2

True God – I John 5:20

True Vine – John 15:1

Truth – John 14:6

Way – John 14:6

Wisdom of God – Proverbs 8:12, 22-26; I Corinthians 1:24

Witness (Faithful and True) – Revelation 1:5; 3:14; 19:11

Witness to the people – Isaiah 55:4

Wonderful – Isaiah 9:6

Word – John 1:1, 14

Word of God – Revelation 19:13

Word of Life – I John 1:1

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010







God made ist2_4214326-number-50
Adam bit
Noah arked
Abraham split
Joseph ruled
Jacob fooled
Bush talked
Moses balked
Pharaoh plagued
People walked
Sea divided
Tablets guided
Promise landed
Saul freaked
David peeked
Prophets warned
Jesus born
God walked
Love talked
Anger crucified
Hope died
Love rose
Spirit flamed
Word spread
God remained.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Satan's Meeting

This is a meeting between the satan's the meeting is all about how to keep the believers mind away from Christ.
A must see video for every believer

Sunday, August 31, 2008

About Jesus

The Most Unique Person
Jesus Christ is often compared to other prophets and teachers, but He is the most unique person to ever live. Everything from His birth to after His death was miraculous and set Him apart from everyone else. Jesus was born by a virgin -- a natural impossibility. Before His mother Mary was married, she was told by an angel she would give birth to the Son of God. When she asked him how this could be, he answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God." Just as promised, the virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, the most incredible person to ever have lived.

An Amazing Life
Jesus' life was just as amazing as His birth. At 30 years old, He went out into the cities of Israel and began teaching and healing people. The Bible records that He was different from other preachers, for "the people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes." Likewise, there was no disease too great for His power. It says, "They brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments. and He healed them." Threatened by His fame and authority, the political and religious authorities conspired to kill Him.

A Sudden Death
His death had been predicted over a thousand years before. The prophet Isaiah wrote of Jesus, "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we are healed." Jesus would pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life. Just as had been predicted, Jesus was given the most brutal death sentence of that day for maintaining that He was the Son of God. While hanging on a wooden cross with spikes through His hands and feet, He prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Jesus had power to come down from the cross, but He chose to sacrifice His life for others.

The Promise is for You
Just as promised, God raised His Son Jesus back to life -- eternal life -- on the third day after His burial. He was seen by His closest friends and over 500 of His followers before He went up into heaven before their very eyes. After His resurrection, his close friend Peter told a great crowd to repent from their sins and believe in Jesus Christ to be saved, "for the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call." This promise is for you! There are many religions and prophets, but no one but Jesus Christ offers complete forgiveness from your sins and eternal life with God. He has already died for your sins; now you must put your faith in Him. "For if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." If you believe in Jesus, you can pray a prayer like this right now and receive the gift of eternal life.

Receive Him Now
"Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and the Savior of the world. Thank you for coming to Earth and dying so that I could have eternal life. Please forgive all my sins. I am going to follow You with my life now. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and direct my steps. In Jesus' name, Amen."which means ur will b done

Saturday, August 30, 2008


When God called Jeremiah, he replied, "Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak,for I am a youth" (Jer 1:6). But God corrected him, "Do not say, I am a youth."

He gave seven reasons why Jeremiah should not hesitate to accept His commission.We have thousands of young men and women today who are excusing themselvesunder one pretext or the other. May be you are one of them.Read through the entire first Chapter of Jeremiah and see if you can still excuse yourself!

1. Do not say, I am just a youth—for I have CHOSEN you!"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; and I ordained you a prophet to the nations" (v 5)

2. Do not say, I am just a youth—for I am SENDING you!"You shall go to all to whom I send you" (v 7)

3. Do not say, I am just a youth—for I am ACCOMPANYING you!"Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you" (v 8)

4. Do not say, I am just a youth—for I am TEACHING you!"Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: Behold, I have put My words in your mouth" (v 9)

5. Do not say, I am just a youth—for I am AUTHORIZING you!"See I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant" (v 10)

6. Do not say, I am just a youth—for I am GUIDING you!"The word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Jeremiah, what do you see?’ And I said, ‘I see a branch of an almond tree.’ Then the Lord said to me, ‘You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word’ " (vv 11-16)

7. Do not say, I am just a youth—for I am STRENGTHENING you!"Behold, I have made you this day a fortified city and an iron pillar, and bronze walls against the whole land... They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you to deliver you" (vv 17-19)

Lack of Knowledge

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.(Hosea 4:6)

In times when we feel things are not really going as we planned we usually tend to get exasperated at try to figure out where God is. What is he doing? Does he have something more important to attend to? Why are things going so out of control? The answer to all these are really very simple. They are not in the Church or in the Heavens but inside us. Why is it that we tend to blame others first thing, when we fall into trouble but fail to introspect into what we have been doing in the past few hours / days / weeks. Look into it immediately for God has already done what he has to for you and me. He has given you that promotion, the victory in that board meeting and he has won you the favour of your team members. He has given you all those things when Jesus Christ died on the cross. We only need to reach out and access them. We can if we have the Knowledge. It may not be something you can acquire in a span of time but if you relentlessly ask God in every situation you face, and let the Holy Spirit walk with you at every step, he will be your wise counsel. I hope you realize today what the source of the agony or destruction you're going through is. God has Abundant Life in store for you. Will you let him work that in you?