Saturday, August 30, 2008

Work the Word

Heb 11:3 - By Faith we know that the universe was formed by God's word.

God's promise for you is life and life in abundance. The abundant life is ours to inherit but we cannot get there unless we do our part for it to manifest. We can believe for God to bring it to pass. Yes we can be fully assured in God's power provided we are exercising our faith. Faith is not complete just by believing but it is complete when you appropriate it with your words. God created the earth with His word and He is telling you today that if you say to this mountain, 'be thou removed and cast into the sea' and do not doubt, it will be so. IT WILL BE SO.The scripture above goes on to say 'What was seen was not made out of what was visible'. We have desires, goals and a destiny but we will achieve them only when we have appropriated our faith with our words. We must say ' I am the head and not the tail', 'I am the healed of the Lord', 'I am a Manager' 'I am a successful businessman', 'I am happily married' and 'I am living in my destiny in Christ Jesus and living an abundant life'. For you are a person who walks by Faith. You are in Christ Jesus for whom all things are possible.

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